Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What Talent!

I must have been one of the last people on Earth who didn't know that not everyone could roll his/her tongue. I have always been able to, and my family has always been able to. Alas, not everyone is so lucky.

Eric and I were puttering around the garage when I noticed Sam rolling his tongue. I laughed and pointed it out to Eric. He was amazed! I wasn't as impressed until Eric showed me that he is NOT able to roll his tongue. THAT shocked me.

I have to admit that I'm a little proud of my kid. I documented the stages of Sam's tongue roll.

Step One: Prepare

Step Two: Concentrate

Step Three: Success!


Nolan said...

How funny, he's concentrating so hard!! Although I don't know if Nate can roll his tongue, I must now look into that. How cute!!

Anonymous said...

This does not surprise me in the least when his mommy is able to crinkle up her entire tongue into a little bowl!!!

Grandma Wilson said...

This is an inherited trait we're all very proud of . . .

Joy said...

How cute! He looks so proud! I love how happy his eyes are in the 3rd pictures!