Thursday, July 3, 2008

Playdates Are Good

Judging by my title, and the fact that this is being posted about 6 hours later than usual, it is apparent I'm just not in a writing mood. Today's update will be brief...

Sam and I went to a playdate at Karen's house this morning and had a blast. Sam was sweaty and happy and I was able to snack and chat with some awesome moms. I LOVE going to Karen's house! Being a part of such a positive, fun group has been such a blessing for me.

Oh, and Sam went to bed at 6:25 last night! He wouldn't even get in the tub. He just kept repeating, "Bed...bed...bed..." I put him to bed, he cried hysterically for 30 seconds, and then he was asleep. He didn't wake up until 5:00 this morning. Bliss!

If I have a greater control of my brain, I will be back with a regular post tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah for a return to schedule!! I was sending good thoughts your way - I would venture both Sam and you do better when he is on his schedule.