Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Birthday To Lou

Sam, Eric and I went to a three-year-old's birthday party yesterday. It was for Eric's friend's son, Lucas, who Sam has played with before. Sam had so much fun. To put it in context, Sam will jump, with both hands in the air, and shout, "Hoo-RAY!" when we walk into the bank. The party just about blew his mind.

There were four little boys, all around Sam's age, and they played really well together. Lucas had a new water table and all of them gathered around it playing happily. Sam also rode a scooter (correctly!) for the first time. There was a play tent and balls and a tunnel to crawl through. Not to mention pasta salad and lemonade and a bowl of animal crackers set out at Sam's height.

One of the highlights was the pinata. The boys took turns whacking at it. We all had to wonder what they thought of this game - hitting a big car with a stick as it hung from a tree. (Because Sam is his father's son, he had his shirt off as he swung at the pinata.) Finally, Lucas' dad had to break it open and then the yard was just covered with candy! Each boy got a treat bag and they ended up being stuffed with goodies. Sam's experience at the parade helped him here. He just picked up suckers and Laffy Taffys and stuffed them into his bag without looking.

Lucas' mom made an adorable birthday cake in the shape of a bear. The boys trooped back to the backyard to eat it. I had to laugh when I saw Sam. He was sitting at the little picnic table with his friends, sweating, wearing a cone hat complete with elastic strap under his chin. The kids with normal appetites took bites of their cake and ran off to play with cars. Sam sat and scooped cake until his was gone. THEN it was time to play.

When Lucas opened his presents, his mom brought out gift bags for the rest of the boys. It was amazing! They all got so much fun stuff - bubbles and stickers and glow sticks and an echo microphone! It was all so generous! The whole ride home, Sam talked about "Lou" and the balloons and the pinata.

We got home around 5:30 for dinner. Suddenly, at 6:00, Sam was flat on the floor crying. He had had too much fun and he just couldn't take it any more. He was tucked off to bed - and I stayed up to eat his candy.

Happy Birthday, Lucas!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like Sam had a blast! I would love to see a picture of Sam, shirtless, wacking the pinata.

And it goes without saying you obviously had to save Sam from excess sugar.

Grandma Wilson said...

What a fun birthday! I would have been flat on the floor, too!