Last year Sam didn't love it. This changed him. There was a moment when he became completely overwhelmed. He was frantically running for candy, with all of us shouting at him, and all of the big kids around us kept getting to the little Tootsie Rolls before he could. He started crying right in the middle of the street. It was really sad.
But then the mom of the kid next to us saw him and made sure her son didn't take EVERYTHING that was thrown at us. Shance and Andrew took turns throwing their own candy in front of Sam so he could pick it up and put it in his bag.
Sam's finest moment was when a political campaign sticker was blowing down the street in front of us. Spotting it, Sam ran to get it. He didn't have any competition and was SO proud when he got it! He ran back to the curb and happily put it in his bag.
Grandpa Mark and Grandma Tina were able to come for the parade, too. Good thing, because Grandpa Mark takes the BEST pictures of Sam. Thanks Dad!!
Sam and Papa are discussing the parade route with the sheriff. He, along with the rest of the town, is a cousin.
The parade has not yet started - and Sam isn't quite sure why we are all there.
Just a general picture - but look at the group of kids in the right corner. THAT is who Sam was up against! They had to be 10!
He's sweaty and flushed and completely entranced with the parade...
...but there is no time for joy. He has to focus and be ready for the next batch of candy.
OMG those are the cutest pictures of Sam I have ever seen!! Aid is super excited looking at "Sim" with me!!!
Great pictures! I love the way his hair curls when he gets hot and sweaty.
I always used to get annoyed when the "big kids" would take everything! Especially when Jacob was Sam's age. I would run out there too and score a couple pieces of candy for him. :)
They really are adorable pictures!
I love when you posts include photos! He is such an adorable kid!
The last photo. I. LOVE. Clearly planning out his next candy-snatching strategy...
Hear, hear on the last picture being absolutely adorable!
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