Monday, June 23, 2008

Outstaying His Welcome

It wasn't that long ago when I desperately wanted Sam to talk. I now understand why moms of preschoolers would look at me with jealousy when I mentioned Sam's quiet nature.

The other day Sam and I were watching Sesame Street. Cookie Monster was on, and he was (of course) holding a cookie. It was an enormous cookie. Cookie's arms were stretched out to the sides to hold that unbelievably huge cookie. Have I made it clear that this was a cookie of epic proportions?

As always, Cookie Monster succumbed to his desire and began tearing into the cookie. Sam always makes the num-num-num noise along with the TV, but this time he turned to me. Making biting and chewing noises, he pretended to be taking bites out of my arms and stomach.

Laughing, I asked, "Sam, why are you eating Mom?"

Sam motioned to the TV. "Big cookie," he said, then pointed at me and shrugged. "Big Mama."

I'm sure I'll think that was funny - in about twenty years.


Grandma Wilson said...

Sorry Emilie! I think that it is funny now!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmm. Kind of like "only skinny grownups like my mom can go on the swingset" isn't it?

At least both you and Sam have a sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

I know you told me this before but I'm still getting a kick out of it!!