Monday, June 30, 2008

Sam's A Happy Helper

Sam loves to help us around the house. He cooks with me and shakes out laundry. Now that we have been doing more outside Sam has been in his element.

If he spots any labor being done, he comes running. We can hear him calling, "Hewp! Hewp!" as he rushes to our aid. A few times he has been in the way, but he has honestly proven to be pretty helpful.

When Eric is using his tools he will hand a hammer or screwdriver to Sam. Sam will then pound away on the side of the house or stick the screwdriver in the cracks on the sidewalk. On Saturday, Eric was changing the headlight on my car when Sam spotted him.

"Well, now, what do we have here?"

"I have a tool with me...maybe I can help."

"Maybe if I just stick this right where Dad is trying to work..."

"Dad doesn't know what he's doing. I'm working over here."

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dignity? What Dignity?

I remember once having a say about what happened to my body. I was totally in control and nothing ever happened to it without my say-so.

Then I had a baby. Between pregnancy, labor, and breastfeeding, I slowly began to realize that my body was no longer my own. I had to share it with this little person - who I had never even met! Now that Sam is older, one would assume I was once again in control of my body. That is not the case.

This morning I left Sam with Sesame Street so I could take a shower. I always leave the bathroom door open a crack in case he needs me. I was just shampooing my hair when I heard the bathroom door slam open against the wall. With a single motion Sam ripped the shower curtain open. I nearly went into shock with the cold air that hit me. Laughing, Sam shouted, "ZEBRA!" and then ran out. Dripping and bewildered, I shut the curtain and finished my shower.

Later I asked Sam what he was trying to do to me. I asked him about the importance of the aforementioned zebra. All he would do is giggle and roll his eyes around in his head.

I shudder to think what his plan may be for the afternoon.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Candy Land

I have never been a big fan of board games but I have been looking forward to Sam playing them. There are only so many afternoons of driving cars across the coffee table I can stand - and we passed that limit about a year ago.

I didn't think Sam would quite understand, but yesterday I brought out Candy Land. He was really excited about the box, and the board, and the cards, and the little people. He was so excited he actually played a game with me. He drew the first card, and it was the little special card that took him within inches of the end of the board. I drew a yellow. He then drew a double purple. I drew a green. He drew a double red and won.

We started a second game but his interest was waning. He was much more interested in matching the special cards to their spots on the board, naming the colors on the cards, and making the little people dance. He thought it was really fun when I let him fold the board in half and put it in the box.

He isn't quite ready for an afternoon of playing games - but one at a time, we'll get there!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Sam's-Eye View

I have been cleaning out the house like crazy. I have a lot of 'random things' totes. Yesterday I found a disposable camera that had 20 exposures left. Not even knowing if the film was still okay, I showed Sam how to press the button to take a picture. Sam was absolutely thrilled. Every time the flash went off, we'd both laugh like loons. Then he'd do it again.

We dropped off the camera and, to my delight, all of the pictures came out okay. Sam took 20 pictures and I have only posted four. That is because he took five of each of these shots.

And so I present: Sam's World.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sam Loves A Parade

On Father's Day we packed up and headed down to Elgin. We always go to Papa and Grandma Susan's house that weekend, because it is also Cheese Days. After grilling on Sunday we walk across the park to watch the town's parade.

Last year Sam didn't love it. This changed him. There was a moment when he became completely overwhelmed. He was frantically running for candy, with all of us shouting at him, and all of the big kids around us kept getting to the little Tootsie Rolls before he could. He started crying right in the middle of the street. It was really sad.

But then the mom of the kid next to us saw him and made sure her son didn't take EVERYTHING that was thrown at us. Shance and Andrew took turns throwing their own candy in front of Sam so he could pick it up and put it in his bag.

Sam's finest moment was when a political campaign sticker was blowing down the street in front of us. Spotting it, Sam ran to get it. He didn't have any competition and was SO proud when he got it! He ran back to the curb and happily put it in his bag.

Grandpa Mark and Grandma Tina were able to come for the parade, too. Good thing, because Grandpa Mark takes the BEST pictures of Sam. Thanks Dad!!

Sam and Papa are discussing the parade route with the sheriff. He, along with the rest of the town, is a cousin.

The parade has not yet started - and Sam isn't quite sure why we are all there.

Just a general picture - but look at the group of kids in the right corner. THAT is who Sam was up against! They had to be 10!

He's sweaty and flushed and completely entranced with the parade...

...but there is no time for joy. He has to focus and be ready for the next batch of candy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Helping A Mermaid

Sam has a LOT of books. I don't even remember where they all came from. There are piles and piles of books we have never read, as until recently Sam chose the ones he knew.

Now Sam has started to pull new books off the shelves. We've found some he loved and some...not so much. Last night he chose a Disney book: The Little Mermaid. He has never seen the movie, so it was all new to him.

He was really enjoying it. I got to the part where Ariel, the mermaid, explores a sunken ship looking for human treasures. She finds a fork and asks, "What is it?"

"Eat," Sam answered her.

I turned to Sam. "Yes, it is for eating, but she doesn't know that. She has never seen one."

Sam leaned forward until his nose was an inch from Ariel's picture. "Eat!" he shouted, and began to act out eating with a fork.

My son - happy to share his knowledge with anyone.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Outstaying His Welcome

It wasn't that long ago when I desperately wanted Sam to talk. I now understand why moms of preschoolers would look at me with jealousy when I mentioned Sam's quiet nature.

The other day Sam and I were watching Sesame Street. Cookie Monster was on, and he was (of course) holding a cookie. It was an enormous cookie. Cookie's arms were stretched out to the sides to hold that unbelievably huge cookie. Have I made it clear that this was a cookie of epic proportions?

As always, Cookie Monster succumbed to his desire and began tearing into the cookie. Sam always makes the num-num-num noise along with the TV, but this time he turned to me. Making biting and chewing noises, he pretended to be taking bites out of my arms and stomach.

Laughing, I asked, "Sam, why are you eating Mom?"

Sam motioned to the TV. "Big cookie," he said, then pointed at me and shrugged. "Big Mama."

I'm sure I'll think that was funny - in about twenty years.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I know, I know. I haven't been finding any time to blog. Sam does about 20 things a day that inspire me to write a great post - and then I run out of time. I guess we've been too busy DOING for me to have time to write about it.

The rest of this weekend is just as busy - I'll be back on Monday with my regular daily posts.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Sam usually naps for about two hours in the afternoon. I have always been very protective of his naps and do everything in my power to keep him on schedule.

Yesterday morning we were in the car longer than I expected. For lack of anything better to do, Sam fell asleep. He ended up dozing for about half an hour. I doubted he'd be able to take a regular nap later but decided I'd at least try.

I pushed his regular naptime back a few hours and then told him he could sleep in my bed. He went along with it but I could tell he wasn't too interested in napping. In order to encourage him I stretched out next to him, pretending to sleep.

Sam's eyes were drowsy and I was pretty comfortable. After a few minutes I rolled over with my back to Sam. The little sweetheart reached out and gently rubbed my back...until I fell asleep.

When I jolted awake about 15 minutes later, Sam was no longer in bed with me. I found him in his room, happily playing as his mom snored.

Maybe adding a nap to my day isn't a bad idea. I need all the energy I can get just to keep up with my kid!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Joy of First Love

It has happened. My son has fallen in love.

On Saturday Sam and I got to spend the day with my dearest friends. Tali and Joy both drove in from out of state and we also visited with Amy and Gretchen. They are all my friends from college and I think the world of them. It turns out that Sam feels the same way.

He seemed to warm up to Tali and Amy right away. He's spent time with Gretchen before and was totally comfortable with her. For the first hour he was a little more shy around Joy. Then she talked with him and played with him. When he asked her to sit on the floor with him, she did.

As the day went on, we saw him gazing at Joy adoringly. She started to get hugs and kisses without asking for them. We went on a walk and Tali and I chatted, both of us pushing strollers. Joy was on her phone and she smiled down at Sam. With his head turned back so he could look right into her eyes, he blew her a kiss. No one saw it but Joy - and I think that was Sam's intent.

All day yesterday I asked Sam about Joy. At the mention of her name, his face lights up. "Ohhh...Joy!" he breathes. "Nice."

My kid has great taste!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

It Isn't Raining!

We have had horrible, wet weather for days now. There are many more in the forecast. However, today is beautiful! Sam and I were just puttering around in the yard for the last few hours. We are going on a walk in a little bit.

No time for computers today - the sun is out!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Park Playdate

I joined a mom's group when Sam was just a few months old. I am definitely not the most active member, but it has been a blessing to me. I have made some great friends and Sam has had the chance to play with dozens of little kiddos.

Yesterday we actually made it to a playdate. Being that it was at the lake that is two blocks from my house, I really didn't have much of an excuse. It ended up being such a fun morning. Just an hour of playing improved both of our moods for the day. Sam tore around with his friends and got filthy. I sat and chatted with several women - some old friends, some I just met yesterday.

Aiden and Sam hadn't seen each other in a month. They were overjoyed when they spotted each other across the playground. Here they share a contemplative moment. Aiden is holding Cookie Monster, Sam is holding Ernie, and both of them are gazing out at the lake. Sometimes being friends means not having to talk.

But usually being friends means playing! This is Sam, Aiden, and Oliver - the three musketeers.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Sam the Sport Fan

I was an adult before I had the mildest interest in sports. I still despise playing them but there are a few I enjoy watching. Sam has definitely taken after his dad when it comes to loving a good game. I have walked in on the two of them sitting side-by-side, eyes glued to a baseball game on TV. Neither of them even blinked when I walked by.

My sister's kids are absolute sports-lovers. More often than not, my sister is on her way to a tournament, at a game, or ordering team pictures. I feel bad that I haven't been able to make it to many of Miranda or James' games. This weekend James had a soccer tournament not far from my house, and Sam and I managed to go to the game yesterday afternoon.

It was so fun! I can see why they love it. We sat in our lawn chairs and snacked as both teams played their hearts out. It was a really close, exciting game. James' team lost, 2-1, but guess who made that one goal?!? I don't know any of the terminology, but I can say that James scoring that goal was really pretty. He took off mid-field, kicking the ball ahead of him, with two opponents along side him. He got it up to the goal and kicked it perfectly. It was so exciting!

Meanwhile, Sam was having the best time of his life. He sat in his little chair next to me eating goldfish crackers. He cheered and clapped every time something happened (which meant he cheered for the other team just as much as ours...but that's okay). He managed to sit on everyone's lap and said, "Oh...JAY," every time he spotted James on the field.

Thanks to Uncle Mike, Sam had his very own soccer ball to bring to the game. He took it out in the grassy area behind us and practiced kicking for quite a while. Miranda taught him how to nail it with his head, which I have mixed emotions about. Sam's headers consist of him throwing it in the air and bracing himself. If it smacks him on the head, he's happy.

I have the feeling that I have many afternoons on the field in my future!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Musical Memories

I think all people have experienced the jolt a certain song can bring. The first few bars of the right song can nearly transport me to a specific time in my life - how I was feeling, who I was with, the choices I was making.

Grandma Barb has a song that she - and only she - sings to Sam. It is a simple little lullaby that she has claimed for herself. She says it is only for her and Sam. She sang their song over and over when we were in Colorado. No matter how often "Bay" sang it, Sam happily sang along.

Yesterday Sam and I were snuggling after his nap. We were chatting about nothing in particular and idly playing with his stuffed animals. For no reason at all, I started singing The Song. Sam's face brightened and he sang it with me. When it was done, he got a dreamy look in his eyes. "Bay," he whispered, with a relaxed smile on his face.

I'm so grateful that my little man's life is already filled with warm, happy memories.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Monster At The End Of This Book

Of all of my books from when I was little, The Monster At The End Of This Book has always been my favorite. It is silly and sweet and I never got tired of reading it. I have thinned out my collection of books over the years but I still have my copy. It is taped and scribbled in but I will always treasure it.

Jackie is nearly six years older than me, so we weren't reading the same books as we grew up. Little did I know, The Monster At The End Of This Book was her favorite book, too! The copy I now have was originally hers. (Poor big sister - everything was eventually passed on to me.) Jackie loved the book so much, she was excited when she found a copy in an antique store. She bought it and gave it to Sam on Mother's Day.

To my absolute delight, Sam LOVES that book! We all got a turn reading it that day. It went to Colorado with us and he never got tired of hearing it. Sam and I have been up for two hours today. I have read it twice and Sam sat and read it to himself for nearly half an hour.

No matter how old - a good book is a good book!

Grandpa Doug takes his turn reading to Sam.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sam Takes Flight

I'm happy to report that Sam and I survived our flight. Overall, he did a great job!

Grandma Barb sat and had breakfast with us after we were checked in so I didn't have to sit at our gate for too long. We only waited about 45 minutes before boarding. I made my way down the aisle with Sam stumbling in front of me. I was hitting each seat with the car seat and dragging my bag behind me. There was a man sitting in the aisle seat of our row. "Hi!" I said to him brightly. "I bet we are your worst nightmare!" He simply smiled politely and moved so we could get in.

I had really hoped that Sam would sleep on the flight, as it was right at his naptime. He was really tired but there was just too much happening to sleep. For the most part, he just hung out. He played with his little toys and looked out the window. When our drinks came, our seatmate pulled out a chocolate-covered granola bar. It caught Sam's eye and Sam watched him eat every bite of it. "Cookie." Sam said without emotion. "Cookie. Cookie. Cookie." The man looked pretty uncomfortable as he finished it.

After landing, Sam and I had to wait by the door of the airplane for our stroller to be brought up. It was very small and between Sam, the carseat, the bag, and myself, we managed to get in the way of every person getting off. Finally, our stroller appeared and I had to wrestle the carseat onto its back. (Keep in mind this took me several minutes earlier that morning, with Grandma Barb's help.) Sam was dancing around and I saw one woman stumble and almost fall when he got in her way.

Once I got the carseat attached and Sam strapped in, I started out only to realize one of the rear brakes was on. A flight attendant standing next to me tried to help. I reached out with my foot and unlocked the brake just as he helpfully kicked the other brake on. At that point another passenger said to me, "Do you need help?" I thanked him but told him honestly that the worst was behind me. At that point I didn't even care if our luggage arrived - we were off the plane and on our way!

Our luggage DID arrive, and we made it home with no further incident. We spent all afternoon playing with our toys - Sam with his train table and me with my TiVo.

It is good to be home!

Monday, June 2, 2008

...And We're Off

In about an hour, Grandma Barb is driving us to the airport. We'll be back in Minnesota this afternoon. How is it possible that three weeks felt like three days? We are excited to see Eric and all of our friends at home...but we don't want to leave. I'm pretty sad this morning.

On a happy note, however, today is my beautiful niece's birthday! Miranda is 15 - look out, world, she has a driver's permit! Happy birthday, hon!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Park Fun

This afternoon Grandma Barb and Grandpa Doug took Sam to the park so I could get all of our packing done. Sam, of course, had a blast!

I swear Sam hasn't been wearing that outfit our entire trip.

Little dude on a bridge.

The slide was so fun, it gave Sam's hat an attitude.

Who is this small man? Sam is starting to look so old!