Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Little of Each

When I was pregnant with Sam, I of course hoped and prayed for a healthy baby. But, assuming the baby was healthy, I also hoped that he would have Eric's dark hair and blue eyes. Is there anything more attractive than dark hair and blue eyes?

Sam was born with dark hair and I crossed my fingers that his baby eyes would turn blue. However, genetics were against them. My dominant brown eyes came through. Now, when Sam is looking up at me with those big brown eyes, I have to admit he is still pretty cute.

He started out looking much more like Eric (except for those eyes). But the chubbier Sam got, the more he looked like me! And then his smiles started to look familiar. When he is really smiling, his eyes disappear into half-moons just like mine do. His mouth has remained all Eric. Sam has the same lips with the perfect cupid's bow.

There are times I catch Sam with the right expression on his face and I feel like I am looking into a mirror. More often, I look at him and think I'm looking at Eric's little clone.

Eric's hair, my eyes, Eric's mouth, my chubby has all added up to make a face I love!


Grandma Wilson said...

THREE faces that I love! Sam couldn't have been anything but cute, intelligent and exceptional with the genes he inherited!

Anonymous said...

He is a perfect little blend! But what happened to the blond hair? It took me a minute to figure out who it was!!! And how did you get old pictures on here?? My parents would have a heart attack if I could do that!

Anonymous said...

Ah Em, I love these pictures! What is with the crazy colored leaf turtle neck?! Too funny!

I can see both of you in Sam. He is such a cutie!

Emilie said...

I LOVED the crazy colored leaf turtle neck!! I think Eric's shirt is a bit more questionable. You KNOW there are entire sections made of velour.

Anonymous said...

Your picture looks a lot like the one where Sam is smiling at Aunt Jackie. Remember the half moons in my comic strip in college?!

I think Sam is so adorable and precious, and obviously got the best from both of you.

Jackie Boettcher said...

I look at that picture of you and all I can think is "Whacha doin Jack?"