Saturday, May 17, 2008

All Food Is Good

We don't buy cantaloupe very often. I like it, but Eric hates it. I don't like it enough to want to eat an entire melon, so they rarely find their way into my shopping cart.

Last Sunday we went to a Mother's Day buffet. There were so many choices - including a large fruit display. Someone at our table got cantaloupe and it found its way to Sam.

Jackie took the pictures of Sam's stages of acceptance.

Well, now, what in the fresh hell is this?

Dad keeps shoving it in my mouth...

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. Great commentary. My particular favoried, "What in the fresh hell is this?" Ha ha ha ha ha...if you don't find your way into becoming a best selling author, then you might want to try comedian.