Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day Musings

When I woke up this morning and realized it was February 29th, my first thought was that I should do something special. Sam and I should make pancakes! Or go to the Children's Museum! Or do an enormous art project on posterboard!

The more I woke up, I started to come to my senses. I even wondered why I felt the need to do anything out of the ordinary because of something as silly as Leap Year. Of course, there is only one way to explain my need to celebrate: my mom.

My sister and I have often tried to figure out just how our mom made holidays so special. There was nothing out of the ordinary. A tree and sugar cookies at Christmas...candy hearts at Valentine's Day...hidden baskets on Easter...balloons and cake on birthdays. Somehow, Mom made each simple tradition feel like magic. Our house seemed like a delicious secret. Inside was beauty, safety, comfort, and the undeniable knowledge that we were wanted and loved.

I wish I knew how she did it. I want Sam to have that feeling on holidays - that our house is full of warmth and joy and excitement and hope. I don't know if I'll be able to do it for him. As much as I enjoy homemaking, I will never be as good at it as my mom. My house gets messy. I didn't decorate for Sam's birthday. Sam and I did not eat heart-shaped pancakes on Valentine's Day. We did not get a picture of Sam on Santa's lap.

However - when I woke up on Leap Day, my first instinct was to celebrate. Maybe I'll be the mom I hope to be yet!


Aiden and Grant's Mommy said...

Oh made the best damn cupcakes I've ever had and had a ton of balloons on his birthday! Don't sell yourself short. Sam is going to have the same feelings you had growing up. Even Aid feels safe and happy in your home, obviously you are doing more then you think you are....

Anonymous said...

You are a fantastic mom! Love ya, Kourt

Anonymous said...

Em, if you are half the mom you are a friend, Sam will know that he is listened to, cared for, loved and the most special person on earth. Sam is so lucky to have you as a mommy. Obviously your mom passed along her gift to you!