Wednesday, February 27, 2008

He's So Pretty

Sam, being a normal toddler, imitates everything I do. He is especially interested in watching me get ready in the morning.

I have to hand him a little comb when I brush my hair. He watches me carefully, trying to imitate my brush strokes. When I put in my contacts, Sam reaches up on tiptoe and sticks his finger into the saline solution. Then he pokes himself in the eye. I can't put on moisturizer without squeezing a little bit into Sam's hand, too. He carefully rubs it into his cheeks (and sometimes his hair).

Sam's favorite part of getting ready is my make-up bag. He stands there, cosmetic sponge in hand, and copies every step I take. He'll swipe the sponge across his face and say, "Oooooooh!" Then I am required to oooh and ahhh over his lovely make-up application. Occasionally he gets his hands on a compact and scampers off with it. Last week, I found two powder brushes marching over his train table bridge.

Sam is ready for his close-up!


Aiden and Grant's Mommy said...

OMG. Aid does all of this too! Although he likes to scrap the eye shadow out with his little fingers when he runs off with it.....
Sam you're georgeous darling, just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I know why Sam is enthralled with your makeup routine - I was too in college! It's fascinating to watch!