Monday, February 11, 2008

Good Dog

On Saturday, we all found ourselves in the living room. Eric started to play fetch with Dee Dee. Sam was overjoyed! Seeing Dee Dee run just cracks him up. He was running along side her, laughing hysterically.

Eric gave Dee Dee's toy to Sam, letting him throw it across the room. Sam was so happy! The process was a little clumsy, though. Dee Dee would slip and slide across the wood floor for her toy. She'd bring it back to Eric. Eric would take it from her as Sam tried to help. When Eric handed the toy to Sam, Dee Dee would try to intercept it.

Dee Dee was really excited and kept grabbing at the toy. Finally, Eric said, "Sit!" Dutifully, Sam and Dee Dee both dropped to the floor, panting, still gazing up at the toy.

We have very well-behaved pets.


Aiden and Grant's Mommy said...

LOL! Good boy Sam!!! ha ha!

Grandma Wilson said...

Visualizing this scene made me laugh for five minutes. Thanks for helping me start my Monday with such a fun blog!