Monday, January 7, 2008

Sweet to Strangers; Mean to Mom

Sam and I went to the gym this morning. He has such a great time there! Gone are the days of me following him around, encouraging him to try new toys. We walk in, he takes off, and I sit and chat with my friends.

I kept an eye on him as I was talking. He tried out the basketball hoop and a very little toddler walked up to him. Sam talked to him for a moment and then offered him a turn with the ball. Eventually the ball rolled away and Sam wandered over to a group of kids building with large foam blocks. Sam jumped right in, helping to build a huge tower.

I was just about bursting with pride. He took turns on the slide. He handed bowling pins to a little girl as she set them up. The little stinker even knocked on the door of the play house before going inside.

It was getting close to lunchtime and so I walked up to Sam, who was sitting in a circle of kids banging bowling pins together. As soon as he saw me, he threw the pins. I told him we needed to go pick them up and held out my hand to help him up. He looked at my hand for just a moment before swatting it away.

It was obvious it was time to go - he had used up all of his good manners for the day.

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