Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Samuel Fonzarelli

Sam and I are working on letters and numbers every day. He enjoys both, but definitely prefers his number puzzle to his alphabet puzzle.

He loves lining up the numbers and counting out loud. He isn't really saying them correctly, but he gives a heck of an effort. He also counts his toy cars. "Ee, ba, oo, et, too, me..."

If I ask him to point out the numbers I say aloud, he can identify 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 0. So far, it seems that is favorite number is 8. That is the one he can (sort of) say. I always say the number clearly, asking him to watch my mouth say it. That is why I don't know why his 8 comes out the way it does.

He saves it for last. Once all of the other numbers are in, he holds up 8 and says, "Aaay!" EXACTLY like he should be wearing a black leather jacket and living in a room above our garage.

Face it - the kid is cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviously he needs a middle name change! I love the sound of it. =)