Monday, November 17, 2008

Rough Waters

I think the only way to tell this story is to just jump right in.

Last August Eric, Sam and I spent a fun long weekend at the cabin. Eric took Sam out in the boat on our first day. Sam loved it! I am afraid of water and so I couldn't go along. After the first day, we were either too busy or the weather was too wet for them to go out again.

On the last day of our trip I was packing and cleaning up. Eric saw that the sun was shining and the lake was calm. I agreed that it would be easier for me to clean by myself. Eric put our smallest life jacket on Sam and they headed out in the boat.

As I puttered around, making beds and folding clothes, I saw that the sky was getting dark. I glanced out at the lake and didn't see the boat. I always worry too much and so I called Eric on his cell phone. He answered, cheerfully told me that they had just started back from the other side of the lake, and they were having a great time.

I forced myself to stop worrying. Then the rain started. It was a sudden, violent downpour. I stood at the window and watched and watched for the boat. I couldn't see it. Twice I went down to the edge of the lake to look. The rain was so heavy, I was soaked within seconds of being outside. I had to shield my eyes to get a good look at the lake, and still I couldn't see their boat. I called Eric's phone over and over and never got an answer.

I kept going back inside, telling myself that I always overreact. I watched the minutes turn into an hour as I waited. Finally, standing at the window, I saw a small movement through the neighbor's trees out on the lake. I recognized our boat. My mind went blank with fear when I saw that no one was in it.

I ran back to the lake, slipping and sliding down the steep embankment. I had a brief moment of relief when I saw Sam's head rise from inside the boat, and then fear again when I saw for certain that he was the only one in it. Then the wind pushed the boat to the side and I saw Eric in the water, one hand on the boat, swimming and pushing its heavy form ahead of him.

I splashed out into the lake. I could hear Sam crying over the wind and the rain. As I got closer I saw that he was shivering uncontrollably and there was absolute terror in his little face. I got close enough to drag the boat the rest of the way to shore. Exhausted, Eric could hardly make it the last twenty feet. We made it back into the cabin and Eric told me what had happened.

They were on their way back when the rain started. Eric had no problem rowing through that until the wind picked up. He hadn't made it very far from the other side of the lake before Sam stood up right when a gust of wind hit the boat. It was enough to throw both Eric and Sam into the water.

As best as he can remember, Eric was underwater for two or three seconds. He said it felt like forever. The worst part was when he came up to the surface, gasping for air, and he didn't see Sam. Then Sam's life jacket did its job and Eric saw him bob to the surface. Luckily, the boat hadn't completely flipped over and was now floating right-side up. This is the part I still can't figure out. Somehow, as he tread water fully clothed, Eric was able to lift Sam up with one arm and throw him over the side of the boat. Sam weighs 40 pounds without wearing a life jacket and being soaking wet. Eric has always been strong, but I can't imagine how he was able to do that.

There was no way for Eric to get into the boat and he'd lost both of the oars, anyway. His only option was to push the boat to shore. He'd make it about 10 feet, swimming and pushing as hard as he could, and the wind would push him back another five feet. He called for help over and over but no one could hear him over the storm. They were the only ones on the lake. It didn't take long for his legs to go numb but he managed to continue forward.

They did make it back. We dried off, finished packing the car, and went home. But to this day I feel a clutching in my chest if the image of both of them in the water works its way to the front of my mind. It terrifies me to think of how easily I could have lost my family.

Why am I talking about this now? I write these posts for fun, and to keep grandparents up-to-date, but my main purpose is to write all of this for Sam. More than anything, this is a record of his life. I'd feel somehow dishonest if I left out such a major event. Also, Sam still thinks about it. Just last night we looked at a picture of a boat in one of his books. "Boat in the water!" Sam said. "And in the rain. But Sam's okay and Dad's okay."

Yes, buddy, you are both okay. I haven't let a day go by since without thanking God for bringing both of you back to me.


Anonymous said...

Em, that just brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine what you, Eric and Sam when through that day. How scary! I'm glad it all turned out okay.

Grandma Wilson said...

When I first heard this story I thanked God that Eric had been strong enough physically but also had the strength of will to get Sam and himself safely to shore.

Aiden and Grant's Mommy said...

Ok, damn it. I'm balling. I had never heard that story. Eric is Sam's hero.
The pure strength of will it took him to get them both back is remarkable. It's love.
Give Eric a hug for me.