Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fire Safety

It's staggering to try to comprehend just how much a child learns in his/her first few years. They start out with nothing! They have to gain control of their bodies. They are taught to talk, to play, to eat, to follow instructions...every tiny thing in every person's brain was, at one time, taught. I have to admit I am overwhelmed with the awesome responsibility I have to teach Sam...everything!

His brain is a little sponge right now. I take every opportunity to explain something new. Yesterday we were looking at one of his many truck books and we turned to the page about fire trucks. Within a few minutes Sam knew to point at the black smoke and make coughing noises. He touched the picture of the flames and said, "Hot!" He pointed at the oxygen tank on the ambulance and took deep, cleansing breaths. When I ask him what to do when there is a fire, he now points to the door and says, "Outside!"

Tonight, looking at the book, Sam remembered everything he learned. I pointed to the firefighter and explained that if he was inside and a firefighter was looking for him, he should go with him/her. I continued that if he was stuck and no one could find him, he needs to yell help. We took turns yelling "HELP!" until I was satisfied that he was yelling it as loud as he possibly could. We continued with the book.

A few minutes later, we were looking at another book. I pointed out a picture of children cleaning up and remarked that they were being good helpers, just like Sam. Smiling, Sam agreed, "Sau keen up. Sau HELP Mama!" While the rest of his speech was at a normal tone, he had managed to scream 'help' so loudly it just about shot me off the couch.

I know I don't have to worry about a firefighter not being able to find my kid!


Sara H. said...

That is such a cute story. It's so true about having to teach everything.

Carrie Cole said...

Sam is so lucky he has a mother who takes the time to teach him and ensure he understands! You're such a good mom!