Friday, April 18, 2008

The Timeless Art of Seduction

I make a conscious effort to be respectful of Sam when writing this blog. I am honest, and include the bad along with the good, but I do keep some things to ourselves. He has said some hilarious things in the tub that would probably really embarrass him when he is older - so I don't post them.

That is why I really waffled on whether or not I'd post this. I took a lot of pictures of Sam playing in my bed, wearing only a diaper (see yesterday's post). The pictures I originally posted were pretty mild. However, there were more.

I sent some to Grandma Barb and showed several to Eric. But this one...I just can't help it. I have a question.

Am I the only person to look at this:

And immediately think of...

I hope Sam can forgive me.


Anonymous said...

It's been 5 minutes and I'm still giggling! Well done! Sam will forgive you because he will realize how hilarious his mother is!!!

Nolan said...

That is the funniest thing I have ever seen!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

I think I've posed that position before. Maybe not in a diaper, but seductive nonetheless. I love him!!


Mark said...

You're going to have to wait quite awhile before showing this one to Sam! You'll have some 'splaining to do!

Grandpa Mark

Grandma Wilson said...

Sam has inherited his sense of humor from all sides of his family and generations of ancestors. He will definitely, genuinely appreciate this blog someday!

Anonymous said...

What a perfect pose! How could he not appreciate this picture some day?

Anonymous said...

I showed Rissa, and before we even scrolled down she said "that's the George Constanza pose!"

Clearly Sam is ahead of his time.