Monday, April 14, 2008


Sam loves little cars. On the coffee table, on his train table, up the walls, across the floor - he will drive cars anywhere. Uncle Bret has given him a LOT of cars. Recently, he came home with another one for Sam - the Batman car.

Sam loved it, simply for being a little car. He was driving it on my leg and I started singing the Batman theme song. "Na na nana na na nana na na nana na na nana BATMAN!" Sam was thrilled. By the third time, he joined in.

Now, about 20 times a day, he brings me the Batman car. "Na na?" he asks politely. And then we sing - Sam belting out the "na nas" with gusto and happily shouting "BATBAD!" at the end.

Little boys and superheroes are always a good mix!


Grandma Wilson said...

Sam Dailey IS a superhero!

Anonymous said...

That's freaking adorable Em!!!