Thursday, March 6, 2008


Grandpa Mark is a lot of fun. He introduced me to Mad magazine when I was twelve. He patiently explained multiplication to me when I was seven. He always has the newest gadgets and tells really bad jokes. He dotes on Sam. He has antique cars at his house that most people would put away, but Sam is always allowed to play with them.

He's a good guy, that Grandpa Mark. However, he has a quirk that drives me crazy. When he is told a bad joke, or given any piece of information he doesn't think is worth responding to, he has only one thing to say - "Mmmm." It is low, controlled, and makes it clear that he thinks there are no words useless enough to use in that situation. Have I mentioned it drives me crazy?

Much to my dismay, I have started doing it, too. I do it when Eric talks about the bills. I do it when someone annoys me. It bugs me so much, but I have to admit that sometimes the best response to a situation is, "Mmmmm."

Sam spends all of his time with me, so I shouldn't have been surprised when he picked up this annoying habit. He will watch me put his cars into their case in silence. When I am done, he will say, "Mmmmm," take the case from me, and then put them away correctly. Last night I told Sam it was time for bed, and he got upset. I calmly explained to him that it was bedtime, and we needed to get a good night's sleep so we could have lots of fun today. Gathering himself, Sam simply replied, "Mmmmm," and walked away.

Life can be cruel.


Aiden and Grant's Mommy said...

Good one. You do say that! In have said that a few times to me!!! BUSTED!

Anonymous said...
