Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Brought To You By the Letter "O"

Sam and I took our weekly trip to the library yesterday. We love going there! I have to have something to read at all times and I'm usually itching to get something new by the time we go. Sam loves the play area and he has started to pick out books for himself.

Yesterday Sam was being really patient as I looked for a book for myself. Sometimes he doesn't like wandering the adult section but he was doing really well. He was so patient, I decided to go to the librarian's desk to ask a question. We had to wait in line and he stood next to me sweetly without any fuss.

We got to the front of the line and I started talking to the librarian. The big desk has words written across the front, like "Choose a book," "Ask a question," and "Reserve a book." As I talked, Sam started walking back and forth in front of the desk. Then, making sure everyone in line was watching him, he walked along and pointed out every letter O.


Several people were chuckling at how proud he was of himself. I hope they couldn't tell just how proud his mom was, too!


Anonymous said...

That's adorable the little ham!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Sam! He is obviously feeling more comfortable showcasing his brilliance.

Grandma Wilson said...

Sam should be proud! His Mom should be very proud! And Grandma is very, very proud!