Thursday, October 4, 2007

Scooters and Snacks

Yesterday morning, I managed to make it to the toddler gym without getting lost. We had a great time! Sam held my hand as we walked through the building, but as soon as we walked into that big space filled with balls and blocks and climbers and bikes and slides, he let go and took off.

He was so busy! He isn't used to sharing toys, being an only child (and, I guess, only being one year old). There were a couple incidents when he just walked up to another kid and took their toy right out of their hands. He wasn't being naughty - he just didn't get it! When I intervened and had him give the toy back, he was puzzled, not upset. Then he'd scamper off to shove a half-deflated playground ball through a droopy plastic basketball net.

The gym was full of moms, babies, toddlers, and one dad. A couple of the moms had little plastic bowls of snacks for their kids. I bet they hadn't counted on needing to pack enough for my son, too! He has a supersense that allows him to hear a tupperware bowl being opened 50 yards away. I kept spotting him standing in front of a mother, feeding her child, who was also looking around nervously for the hungry kid's (Sam's) mom. After forcefully dragging him away from the umpteenth bowl of apple pieces and Cheerios, we (I) decided it was time to go home.

I have always believed that one should eat while exercising - my son just figured it out sooner than I did!

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