Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mom 1, Dad 0

It is inevitable that Sam and I have our own little world. We spend all of our time together. There are dances when we hear music, ways to drive toy cars, and laughing when Dance Elmo! sings. Above all else, I am the one who knows how to read books to Sam.

Yesterday, Eric and I were in the office and Sam came in with his little copy of Brown Bear, Brown Bear. I could sing-song that book in my sleep. He gave it to Eric, excited to hear it. Eric opened it up and read the first page. Sam was unimpressed. In the middle of the second page, Sam simply took the book away and brought it to me.

I felt a little bad for Eric, but there was a book to read. I opened it up and started reading it as I usually do. With a completely straight face, Sam slowly swiveled his head and looked at Eric pointedly. He then turned back to me and listened to the rest of the book.

If his language skills were up to par, I know he would have asserted, "And THAT, Dad, is how you read this book!"

1 comment:

Aiden and Grant's Mommy said...

We have had this scene play out so many times I was dying reading it!!