Monday, April 16, 2007

Sam the Sicko

At 14 months old, Sam is really becoming his own person. One of the things that has amazed me is his developing sense of humor. There have been a couple times I have heard him guffaw at Elmo's World, and he giggles agreeably when we act silly. For the most part, however, it is becoming clear that he has inherited our sick sense of humor.

Sam *loves* when people stumble and fall. About a month ago, Eric caught his foot on the edge of the rug and just caught himself before he fell. Sam absolutely fell apart. He laughed for quite a while, like he was replaying it in his head.

One of the books Sam likes is One Fish, Two Fish by Dr. Seuss. He is interested but fairly unaffected by the whole story with the exception of one part. The line is, "Some are sad, some are glad, and some are very, very bad!" I act out the emotions, and for the last line I make my face very mean and angry and say it in my worst 'you're going to get it' voice. Sam bursts out laughing every time. He likes when I look mean and angry. Last night as I read it he actually spit, he laughed so hard.

The most unfortunate proof of Sam's demented mind is his newfound delight in Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. For those of you who don't know, Triumph is a puppet (I think he started out on Conan) and is just a vile, crude little creature. This puppet is known for being offensive and disgusting. Eric started mimicking a few of Triumph's catch phrases and Sam was just thrilled. I think Sam wishes Triumph lived with us.

With Eric and me as his parents, he really never stood a chance.

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